Check out some of our recent work! You can find conference presentations, academic publications and free sector-wide resources you might find useful. Don’t forget to follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with our work.
Field testing of a household-scale onsite blackwater treatment system in Coimbatore, India (2020)
Field testing of a household-scale onsite blackwater treatment system in South Africa (2020)
Bioaerosol emissions associated with pit latrine emptying operations (2019)
On-site fecal sludge treatment with the anaerobic digestion pasteurization latrine (2016)
Modeling onsite wastewater treatment systems in a coastal Texas watershed (2016)
Power earth auger modification for waste extraction from pit latrines (2014)
A presentation from FSM6 on understanding the global market needs and estimating the scale of need in the onsite sanitation emptying market.
An innovative screen for fecal sludge pumping systems which allow safer emptying service provision for challenging pits.
Enabling Safely Managed Sanitation: A webinar co-hosted by TE explaining the challenges faced in the emptying market, the Excluder product, and estimating the market for manufacturers of the device.
An advertisement for the mobile app TE developed under the USAID SWAP program to increase transparency and accountability in 3 municipalities in Cambodia.